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So, I know things have been a little quiet on the blogging front. But for the first time I actually have some real concrete news to share.

So here goes:

I spent the weekend in the Cape for a girls weekend with my family including [but not limited to] my matron of honor and TWO, count'em... two bridesmaids.

There was some talk of wedding planning but not too much.

On Monday, Chelsey [matron of honor] and I went to David's Bridal to try on the dress.

At the register we realized [or were reminded] that because I bought my dress from there each bridesmaids gets $20 off their bridesmaid dress! PERFECT!

While we were there she tried on these shoes with the dress:

Unfortunately, I'm a little confused because in the store they are $65 but online only $49! And I found out [or was reminded] that all the girls will get 10% off their shoe purchases! PERFECT!

I'm also still working on finding a way to print labels for our save the dates. =(

I'd like to send them out at the end of the month.

Hopefully, that works out.


  1. Love the dress with the shoes; just perfect!!!

  2. This is the SAME dress I am wearing in my best friends wedding in October. :) Except it will be dark purple.


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