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Summer Recap

Clearly, our wedding was a huge deal to me [& to Sean!] this summer and took up a lot of my [our] time. But surprisingly enough, it's not all that I did this season. Of course, some things indirectly were apart of the wedding festivities -- but in an effort to introduce you to some of the other things we did this summer aside from getting married -- I thought I'd show you. And what better weekend to recap the summer than Labor Day weekend. :)

1. We celebrated our 4 year anniversary and ordered wine for the first time at a restaurant.
2. We spent a lot of time outside and I worked on my "tan".
3. Sean drank a lot of Guinness and bought his new favorite hat in Ireland.
4. We watched a movie [Back the the Future!] on the common in lawn chairs and ate homemade popcorn.
5. We took a trip to Maine and stayed in a "peaceful little cabin" according to Sean [I thought it was creepy!].
6. I scrapbooked a lot and made a mess of the bedroom.
7. I spent a lot of time with that little girl: Millie.
8. We spent a night in an Irish castle.
9. We spent the 4th of July with friends in our hot tub.
10. Millie spent her summer sleeping upside down.
11. We spent a Saturday at the Bruins Stanley Cup Parade.
12. We spent a lot of time at my parents house with the little guy I'm holding: Frank.
13. Sean played a countless amount of shows.
14. I was completely distracting and made Sean take a number of pictures with me while driving.
15. I had two eye incidents that landed me in the E.R. twice and in glasses for... a while.
16. I spent time with my best friends.
17. We went to see the Redsox play at Fenway.
18. I got my first henna tattoo.

:) Happy Labor Day weekend.

PS... I think I did a pretty good job recapping my summer without mentioning the word wedding!


  1. Sounds like you guys had a great time!!

  2. Love all the pics of you, what a great summer you had!! I'll actually be in Boston in a few weeks for a work trip..I'm looking forward to visiting family and friends and nice cool weather! :)

  3. What a great summer :-)

    I spent my summer vacation from uni working in a daycare centre. But I played a lot as well :) I don't think I've been at home on a weekend night since June...and a lot of those nights seemed to go on until 4am! My liver hates me after this summer!

    I also started zumba, and spent the summer getting fit, and while I haven't lost weight I'm a lot more toned than I was at the start of the summer, so I'll have to keep that up!


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