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It's been a while?

I took some time off from blogging (2 weeks?!) not even because I was particularly busy but I'm trying this whole "not being obsessed with my laptop" thing. And so, my computer has been stuffed inside a bag for over a week now. It's easy to stay away from it when it's packed away. Even now, I'm using Sean's computer. But I thought it's probably time for an update (& to read the 1000 blog posts in my Google reader).

So, me? Well, I wish I was better at the whole taking pictures of things that I do that way it'd be easier (& more interesting) to write a recap of my 2 week blogging hiatus. But, I'll try it anyway.

Oh really, 3 photos from over 2 weeks of time? And, I own an iPhone (4s) no less.

If I mesh my time together... this is what's happened (in no particular order):

Sean and I spent Thanksgiving morning watching Beauty and the Beast and Snow White on the Disney channel. I spent 3 days away at a seminar. I made a wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11. I used my Facetime chat for the first time. I saw The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1... not once BUT twice and fully intend on seeing it for a third time. I spent Black Friday shopping for 12 hours and basically bought 6 items. I got my hair cut. I bought a Breaking Dawn collector's edition cup at the movie theater. We've been watching LIVE TV rather than anxiously catching up with DVR (I guess that's what happens when I put down the computer). I celebrated my first "real" holiday as a wife. I made my husband his favorite pie for Thanksgiving.

See? The 3 pictures basically sum up my time spent: my husband, the two of us, and the one thing that takes me away from him -- Twilight. :)


  1. I really love that you're back blogging! I've missed your updates!

  2. yay for three pictures! *wink wink* glad to know you are alright...starting to get worried.:D so happy you have had an enjoyable two weeks.

  3. Yay welcome back! Its always nice to take a break from the laptop and focus on other things..wasnt breaking dawn amazing!! I just added all the other movies back to the top of my netflix que..I want to watch them all in order again for the millionth time. I asked for the series for x-mas from!


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