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day 13: dear sean

Today's challenge: issue a public apology.

Dear Sean,

I'd like to apologize for all the times I'm a bit irrational. Like yesterday, when you dropped the knife from our china set on the ground and I gave you the side-eye.

I'd like to apologize for all the times I'm a bit controlling. Like when I tell you that I want to pay off debt and the money "I allot you" each month is not even remotely acceptable and you just smile.

I'd like to apologize for all the times I'm a bit ridiculous. Like the other day when you asked me to have a seat outside with you and I scanned the bench looking for wet spots, bugs, bird poop, etc... and pretty much by the time I sat down -- you were ready to go inside.

I'd like to apologize for all the times I'm a bit confusing. Like when I go back and forth from wanting a house, to wanting a baby, to wanting our next vacation. And all you say is "whatever you think" and that's always enough assurance for me to sit back and think about it for longer. Maybe, that's your ploy all along?

I'd like to apologize for all the times I'm a bit lazy. Like most nights when you get home from work and make me dinner because I say I'm too exhausted to get off the couch even though you're the one with the manual labor job.

I'm sorry about all of that. But I'm really glad you're so patient and that you're not one to give me the side-eye. :)

Love, Jasmine

1 comment:

  1. haha, this was so cute ... i completely relate to everything you said! :) and maybe i should apologize too!


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