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I'm not easy to live with.

I know that once you're married, you're technically no longer roommates. Maybe your soul mates? I'm not too sure. Either way, it doesn't take away from the fact that you're still living with another person.

When we got married -- people immediately starting asking, "so, what do you think will change once you live together?" Of course, I responded "nothing" since we'd been living together for three years at that point. (I know, what a sin). And yet, here I am -- almost two years later thinking about this whole living together thing. While not much has changed through these few years, here are some...

1. I try to get rid of his stuff. Sean does not have that much stuff. He has what he needs, and doesn't buy what he doesn't need. But that doesn't stop me from going through his closest on a monthly basis yanking things from hangers and asking, "do you really need this?" The answer is yes, he really needs those few shirts that he wears to work, or yes, he really needs his one pair of fancy shoes he needs for nice occasions. I try to donate these things every month... and yet if I really wanted to get rid of things I could just look to my own closet...

2. I'll throw anything away. Much like my desire for purging closets, I do the same in every room of the house. Occasionally, I'll throw away perfectly good food (food that Sean often argues doesn't go bad) like soy sauce. That's sort of how I clean. Cabinets look neat when there's nothing in them... this of course, conflicts with my need to not spend money and not be wasteful.

3. I'm messy but call him out on it. I leave things wherever they land -- shoes, jackets, bags, receipts, glasses, DVDs. You name it -- I leave it around and put things away "when I get to it". It works for me because I clean... eventually. But when Sean leaves something out... I quickly point out what has been left behind. "You know, I tripped over your shoes this morning"... which brings me to #4:

4. I move his stuff. Toiletries, phone charger, wallet, keys, hats, shoes, anything -- I always move them. Usually, I don't even know why. But it ends up moved, and I'm always the one who did it. I can't help it...

5. I jump on bandwagons and expect him to do the same. Buying locally? Becoming a minimalist? Daily walks? Bruins are winning? 30 days without accessories? Those are just the few things that have happened within the last two weeks...

6. I hog the remote. Pretty Wicked Moms, Pretty Little Liars, Full House, anything on E! network? Sean has seen it all -- but not because he enjoys it. And we only have one TV...

7. I'm paranoid... about everything. Is the door locked? Did you hear that? Is the chicken cooked? Is that safe? Is the oven off? Will the litter in the litter box make me go crazy? Did this go bad? Is that too hot? Will the cat choke? Did you lock the car? I know I heard something...

My last (and not so final because I'm sure if I thought about it -- I could think of more) reason that I'm not that easy to live with is that I'm an early riser and try to wake him up, too. But it's truthfully because I'm so excited to spend my days with him. So hopefully that makes up for the fact that I throw his stuff away, move what I don't try to throw away, nag sometimes, hog the TV, and have slight paranoia. Right?

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