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Can you believe it?

This is my 200th post. You read that right... can you believe it?

And look at this... Victoria at Our Love Never Fails... did you see it?

She nominated me for a stylish blog award! Can you believe it?

Thank you! Thank you! I'm so excited!

Here are the duties to accept this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 great bloggers & notify them

So let's see, here I go...

1. I could live off pasta & chicken fingers.
2. I drink way too much coke every day.
3. I'm a t.v. junkie & and my dvr is always full.
4. I immediately change into sweatpants the minute I get home from work and rarely feel guilty about it..
5. I fall asleep right away, every night, especially when I listen to the New Moon soundtrack. It's amazing.
6. I love politics. I mean, I'm obsessed with politics. Really.
7. I'm so excited for my wedding and I really can't wait.

Now I get to rave about 15 lovely ladies that I read, every day, religiously:


  1. I could probably live off of chicken fingers for the rest of my life as well...its sad. and you're very welcome for your award :)

  2. omg thank you so much for the nomination!!


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