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Successful Day.

It was very hard for me to decide on a dress for my bridal shower, which is now in about 13 days!

I didn't know if I wanted to go really fancy or relatively casual... bright colors or dark tones... patterned fabrics or just something solid. It was so difficult! I kept going back to the mall, checking stores and looking online. Nothing seemed right.

But today I told myself that I was going to find something. Anything. And I wasn't leaving the mall without a dress. It was hard especially since the mall was so crowded! And I guess it's time to go prom dress shopping because the dress sections were packed.

I ended up in Express and (basically) bought the outfit on the mannequin (I love doing this!). So here she is...

I think it's "spring-like"! But, I mean, this is Massachusetts. So I bought a violet cardigan to go with it. I don't want to freeze...

While searching for a dress for my shower I came across this dress on

...and I'm pretty sure I need it. Rehearsal/rehearsal dinner? I think it's perfect! Wanna know what's not perfect? It's out of stock in my size. =(

And look at this...

I would love to change into this toward the end of our reception. If I can squeeze it into the budget... I'll own it pretty soon. I L.O.V.E. it. So much.

Aside from dress shopping/stalking I bought more bridal party gifts. I've come to the realization that whenever I want to buy something for my bridesmaids... the stores are never prepared for my purchases. Anytime I attempt to buy something... they only have 5 of what I need. EVERY TIME. But I need 7. Seven is the lucky number in this situation. Which means, most of my time is spent going to the same store - in a different location in search of the 2 items they're missing. It's not really that fun... I wish stores just had what they sell. All the time.

If I'm feeling up to it tomorrow maybe I'll try on my shower outfit and take a picture. Maybe...

We have a dance class tomorrow, I heard from our videographer yesterday ;) and we choose invitations in eight days. It's becoming real!

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