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Wish! [out loud!]: Link up

I'm linking up with Robin at fly far. fly free. and participating in Wish! [out loud!] even though it's not Sunday! whoops... I'm a day late.

Wish out loud

From Robin's blog:

How it Works:

Start with a simple post introducing your wish. Whether you want to give a back story explaining it or simply put it out into the universe, it's completely up to you! Getting up your post that features your wish is only the beginning of this link-up though! The real magic comes from visiting the other bloggers participating... We're taking this a step beyond leaving a comment to let someone know you stopped by.
Let's say you come across a post where the writer says they've always wished they could open an Etsy shop. If this is a venture you've already conquered- reach out! Let them know how you got it started and offer to be a mentor of sorts as they make their wish come true! The possibilities are endless. 
Our hope is that we all step up and use our talents as well as our networking connections to grant these wishes. Whether it's posting a series of "learn to play guitar" videos for the blogger that's always wanted to learn or sending someone a board game because they want to spend more quality time with their family- no wish or answer is too big or too small. We encourage you all to get creative and to think outside the box! After all, wishes have always seemed a little magical. Let's help each other redefine "wish.”

Ready to play along?'s what you need to know:
1. Write your blog post including your Wish! {out loud}.
2. Grab and display the Wish! {out loud} button in your post.
3. Link up through one of the hosts' blogs because it will show up on all three.
4. Start visiting other blogs, making friends, and make a Wish! come true.

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So, today (again a day late) I wish to become better at this whole blogging thing -- including posting more often, having interesting things to say, using fancy fonts, designing a cool header, knowing how to post pictures in more advance ways (like photoshop-ish), etc.

What do you wish?!


  1. I think its definitely an attainable goal/wish! I need to get better about blogging too..I was soooo good in the not so much!

  2. Woohoo! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your wish!
    I feel like link ups (like Wish! {out loud}) are great ways to encourage you to post on your blog more. Usually they occur on a certain date (and it totally fine that you posted on Monday), plus they make you write about something you normally wouldn't think to write about. So stick with them!
    I wish I had a fancy photoshop like photo blog too, but we can't all be that lucky. My boring picture will have to do for now!

    :] - this wish will continue to come true with time and dedication darling!

  3. I could help you with a header! Click here {} to learn more!!! or email me @!


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