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Road trip tips.

Our weekend trip to Baltimore was practice for any summer excursions Sean and I may find ourselves doing. We definitely want a road trip of some sort (California or Tennessee) and the 7 hour trip (total time: 14 hours) certainly put some things into perspective.

Here are some things that helped make the road trip such a success.

1. Pack snacks: I will admit that my parent's packed this cooler for us but it was definitely a great idea. It's so nice to have some things to munch on and not to feel like you have to stop at the next rest area to buy junk food. We snacked on veggies and cheese sticks and had cold beverages, also!

2. Embrace rest areas: It's important to take a break every few hours to stretch, use the bathroom, get some fresh air and obviously take some pictures! It's much easier to enjoy the ride when you don't have to pee! Plus, you'll want to fill up with gas on the regular. It would be really inconvenient to run out of gas...

3. Get rid of things you don't need: Clearly, it's a good idea to start your road trip with a clean car. Don't bring things you won't need or want. One step further is to utilize the trash cans at all those rest areas you stop at! No sense in traveling with trash from one state to the next. Plus, everyone is much happier when they don't have wrappers and bottles moving around by their feet!

4. Play games: First, I'd push for conversation. But sometimes a game is just what you need. Our favorite: Name that artist. We press "scan" on the radio and while the stations zip by we name all the artists singing. You could keep score and whoever guesses the most... wins! I also really enjoy the "scan" button on the radio because it really gives you the chance to be a judge on "The Voice". You can choose to let the songs go by or you can choose to hit the button and listen to the song til the end! Try it!

5. Dress comfortably: I feel like this doesn't need explaining. Although... I will say you should dress presentable. What if there's a perfect photo opportunity?! You'll want to look good.

6. Have a map: I know it's the age of the GPS, iPhones, Droids, or whatever else you have. Believe me.. Sean and I had 4 devices in our car that all could have told us where to go. However we still had a map. Not only are they interesting to look it... but WHAT IF something was to happen?! Maps are cheap. I got the one above for $2 at Target and it has EVERY single state. Buy yourself one.

7. Stay awake: Obviously this doesn't need explaining for the driver. But even for the passenger... it's important! Imagine how boring it would be for the driver if your passed out in the front (or back) seat. It'd be awful. I stay awake by talking, singing, passing out snacks, taking pictures, playing games, reading wikipedia pages aloud... I mean the things you could do are really endless!



  1. Great tips!! But I am horrible because I ALWAYS fall asleep as the passenger in car rides!

  2. I love to take a road trip in my comfiest sweats! And you're and snacks are a must!


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