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New goals for a new year.

It's a new year so it only seems fair to make some goals and resolutions.
I don't like to make goals that say I'm going to stop doing something, or break a habit or things like that.
I'm never successful in those.
When I want to stop drinking Coke, or stop watching so much TV it'll need to be spontaneous.
Not something that is written down and taunting me.

Last year was my most successful year in terms of progress with my planned new year resolutions. My goals were to:

- Accessorize
- Organize
- Prioritize
- Moisturize

In this next week, I'll let you know just how much I succeeded in those goals.

But today, let's talk about this new year that'll start in two days.

Not to be confused with my 101 in 1001 goals and my 26 in 26 goals... here are some goals for the new year.

- Create a 2013 memory jar like this one:


- Write at least 200 blog posts
- Read for 30 minutes every day

That's it. Short and sweet. Easy-peasy. I want to be successful, okay?
Why set myself up for failure? That'd just be dumb.

What are your goals?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see (partake in) your new memory jar for 2013!
    My goals this year are to:
    -Prioritize my funds
    -Make healthy alternatives in meal choices
    -get to the gym at LEAST twice a week (hopefully three times)
    -utilize my new moleskine planner
    -get outside and take photos(perhaps a new canon 6D is in my future?!)
    -get out with Harper Lee more

    Whitney Marie


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