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Weekly Recap.

On the blog:
Monday: The Oscars.
Wednesday: TV talk.
Thursday: March Goals.

And now,
[you can link-up here]


1. I literally just sat here for 10 minutes staring at the computer screen trying to think of bad things from this week. I'm not going to say that negative things didn't happen, but I'd rather just move into the good things.


1. Breaking Dawn part 2 was released on DVD. I wasn't at Target at midnight, even though I begged Sean to take me (in his defense he told me he would... but I was feeling guilty) so I bought it today and can't wait to watch it for the zillionth time. Is zillionth a word?

2.We celebrated Apollo's first birthday. 

3. I started buying birthday presents for Sean's birthday which is the 23rd.

4. Sean's band found a space to practice that isn't at our house. This sort of makes me sad because it means he won't be home as much... but I know it's a positive thing that makes him happy. So I'm listing it in the happies section. :)


  1. Of course zillionth is a word! Just because spell checker says it isn't doesn't mean anything. ;) Yay for not having any crappies you want to think of!
    New follower stopping by from the GFC collective!


  2. Im your newest follower from the blog hop :)
    Would love for you to follow me back



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