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I have 35 days left of summer.

Today marks the middle of my summer vacation. I've been out of the classroom for 36 days and I'll return to the classroom in 35 days. Which means I've over the hump. It takes me a while to get the whole feel of vacation; to realize and enjoy that I'm on my own time schedule. Usually it takes about two weeks. In that time, I like to do nothing but what I like to do (watch TV on my couch) and after that I try to be productive. It works about 50% of the time.

The truth is, I love not working. I enjoy my job, but I really feel like I'm meant to stay home all day. (who doesn't feel that way, right?) Given the chance, I'm almost positive I wouldn't spend all my time on the couch either. For example, I got out of the house every day this week. I forced myself -- granted my outings were to meet up with friends, have date nights with Sean, and spend time with my family... I was still out. And it was fantastic. Rough life, right?

For about two weeks I sort of did nothing. The third week, I was a bit more "motivated" and started pinning some activities/projects/works for my classroom, I organized classroom materials (which sort of took a long time and took over my living room, it was a bit messy) + I wrote out some lessons. After that point we left for our summer trips here and there and thankfully we have two more to go (road tripping down the west coast & a weekend in Maine). In the five weeks I've had since the end of the school year -- I think I've had my fair share of relaxing, traveling and hanging out. It's been real.

I started thinking about my summer plans + goals I created back in June:
As far as our planned events are going -- they're going. I'm dragging Sean to see Taylor Swift in concert this weekend (he's absolutely thrilled), we leave next week for Seattle and at the end of the summer we have our second wedding of the season. As for my goals? They make me laugh a bit. Water? Walking? Blogging? DIYing? Paying off debt? I don't think so...

I had good intentions for these last 36 days. I swear. In a few ways, I've been successful (for example, in the reading department). I thought I would be more interested in blogging which is why I set that goal so high. Turns out, as of now -- I enjoy reading more than sitting at the computer. Who knew?

In the hopes of looking back at the summer, specifically these last 35 days, and holding a sense of accomplishment rather than utter failure -- I thought I'd make a revised list of my goals.

- Drink a glass of water for every glass of Coke
- Wear sunscreen every day
- Exercise 3 times per week
- Read 1 book per week + blog about it
- Blog 4 times per week
- Complete 2 DIY projects + blog about them
- Minimize my clothes/shoes
- Pay down one credit card

 I hope the next 35 days bring motivation and productivity.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you've done alot to me. Just remember that you deserve the break! Enjoy your remaining 35 days regardless of what you do!


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