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Instax Mini 8.

I had been looking at the Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 camera since the start of the summer. I love the idea of Polaroid cameras and love how small the pictures from this specific camera print out. I thought about buying it for myself, but then I figured I'd wait out the summer and ask for it for my birthday. I was super excited when I opened it up from Sean. We had a minor incident with the camera outside the Outback -- so, a new one just arrived in the mail yesterday. Side note: these things are fragile... :) I've forgotten how nice it is to have printed pictures (I rarely print pictures anymore), and the whole Polaroid thing has an instagram feel that is 100 times better. Film is slightly expensive, and there are only 10 pictures on a roll -- so you have to be "on" and make sure the people you are photographing don't close their eyes, or look away. There are no second chances like with the iPhone. It's a one shot deal. I was super disappointed when the picture the waitress took of our table on my birthday didn't come out, not only because we missed the shot but also because that was one picture was wasted! I can't wait to take more pictures with this camera. 


I turned 27.

Last weekend, I celebrated my 27th birthday at my parents house. I wasn't feeling good and I'm sort of surprised that the pictures came out pretty decent. I had one of those days where I almost passed out in the grocery store from dizziness. I told myself it was allergies, even though I don't think allergies make you do that, but I powered through it and by my actual birthday on Tuesday, I was feeling pretty good. But the celebration on Sunday was really fun and included Chinese food, an ice cream cake, presents and family. I loved it. [Please note Sean's face in the pictures of me opening my presents. mmkay?]

What the heck is that face? I feel like it comes out during present time on multiple occasions: birthdays, Christmas, Easter... the middle child in him realizes the only child in me. And then, the face comes out. :) On my actual birthday, we went to the Outback with our parents to celebrate. It was a lot of fun :)


Fall goals.

I know it's not technically fall, but I'm back at work, the mornings are freezing, it's getting dark right after dinner and new fall shows are about to start. It's basically fall -- and it's time to set some goals. I've already gotten a head start with a few of these goals. Hopefully I can keep them up! I've already been to my first book club meeting and my first Zumba class. We're finding days that we can do a hayride and apple picking -- last year, we did it all at the same time. It was pretty convenient. The scenic drive will most likely happen while we're off camping. Carving pumpkins and haunted houses sort of go together so we'll probably do those two things the same day. My weekend in the Cape is already planned and our tickets for Macklemore are already purchased and printed! Our building is having a dog/cat halloween pageant so the cats will surely participate and around that time I'll break out my fall decorations. That way it will be all ready for Thanksgiving! We're not hosting this year but I think it's still nice to have some decor.

Any fall goals?


Hello blog, I'm still here.

I forgot that I blog. Whoops, and after I bought a domain name and all; which by the way I haven't yet had the time to figure out how to do the blog-switch-a-roo thing. But one day, I'll sit down and figure it all out. Today is not that day. In an effort to play a little catch up as not to forget that this week existed, here's what went on: my classroom is all set up, my work gave me a new laptop, I bought a printer so that I could become an extreme couponer, we bought Sean a new suit and with sales & coupons ended up saving over $380 on it, we watched our friends get married, we walked around Providence, Rhode Island and ate at Luxe Burger, i invent had their second show and I finally found a drink that doesn't disgust me, I went into work early every day, got out of work late every day, didn't watch any TV other than episodes of How I Met Your Mother on DVR for over 6 days, went to my very first, ever, book club meeting, made dinner every night, started a work-out/lose weight challenge with Sean, was so upset when I realized I was days late to join in on what I thought would be my first ever fantasy football draft, was even more upset when I realized the only football shirt I have is for someone who is now accused of murder, and learned it is possible to restart my iPhone even though the power button has been broken for 4 months.  Successful week, eh?

This upcoming week is my 27th birthday, my zumba class begins, I'm going to solidify some fall goals, and start reading my first book for my new book club. The book is A Casual Vacancy. Plus, I have to take a peak at all those new shows I've promised myself I'll watch -- I don't think many start so soon, but I don't want to miss out. We'll see how the blogging thing goes --if I can get my act together you'll see me around these parts, and if not, then talk to you next weekend :)


Artemis is one!

Over the weekend, we celebrated Artemis' first birthday. When we brought her home from the shelter they had mentioned they believed she would be turning one around September 1st. I guess they can tell that? Who knew? I'd like to think that the last five months with us, were much better than her six months without a home, and one month at the shelter. If you're thinking of adopting, I'd urge you to check out an animal shelter before deciding it's not for you. Five months ago, when we wanted to get another cat -- we went the shelter route because it was sort of our only option. For Apollo, our friend's cat had kittens and he was trying to give them all away. It was easy. A few months later, no one we knew had kittens to give away and it just seemed like a very normal thing to do to stop in at our local humane society. Sean started looking on their website, and saw Artemis immediately. Her name was Rainbow at the time, she looked all scraggly, and she definitely looked afraid. But we knew we had to have her. We called them, they said we could come look at her but that she wasn't ready to leave the shelter quite yet, we started visiting daily, and after a few days we got to bring her home... and now we're celebrating her b-day!  

We liked working with the animal shelter for a couple of reasons:

1. Health: At least around us, shelters make sure that animals have their shots and vaccinations. They also spay or neuter the animal. If the animal is sick, they keep a close eye on him or her and don't let them leave the shelter until they're well. Once you bring the pet home, they encourage you to take the animal to your own vet -- but technically, I guess you wouldn't have to. (Although, we did and everything checked out well). 

2. Wealth: Because the animals come to you all vaccinated and baby-less, you don't have to take them to the vet and pay out of pocket for those important expenses. It's already done. Even when you take them to your own vet, it's relatively inexpensive since wellness visits aren't that bad (it's all the shots and procedures and extras that cost a pretty penny). Kittens (and especially, puppies) are a bit pricey at shelters. But it's really nothing compared to a breeder's. And the older the animal, the more likelihood of the cost going down. For example, Artemis was $100 less than another cat just because she had reached her 7 month mark. Kittens are most expensive, then cats 7 months and older then senior cats (over 7 years old). It's all more incentive to bring an older animal into your home.

3. Happiness: Not only are you getting a new family member, but you get to say that you helped an animal completely incapable of helping themselves. You gave an animal the chance to become a family pet. You can say you helped your local humane society by adopting and paying the adoption fees, helped your local community by getting strays off the street, and gave a four-legged friend a warm (in the winter, cool in the summer) place to nap day in and day out. How does that not equal happiness?