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This post is dedicated to wishing Sean a happy birthday. We celebrated the day by watching Baby Mama in bed, opening presents (lots of brewing equipment & new shoes), having Indian food for lunch (at the mall so I could get Sarku), shopping, going to the movies (Divergent), and going to dinner with family. I think our day says a lot about Sean and how he treats me. Like even though it's his birthday we watched a movie in bed which he hates doing & I chose the movie. And even though it's his birthday, we ate at a mall food court so that I could get food that I like, too. And even though it's his birthday we went shopping for a new sink because he knows that I'm really upset about the unusable pedestal sink we previously purchased. And even though it's his birthday we went to see Divergent -- at a matinee, inside a theater filled with teenagers for a movie that is "the next" big phenomenon (i.e. the type of movie that he automatically dislikes).
Sean (aka Nerbit or husband of mine),
I'm so thankful you were born twenty-eight years ago. You make me smile and laugh and think and question and realize and wonder. You make me crazy and sane. You're the only person I can imagine spending this life with and you're the one who makes it great. I'm not totally sure how I got so lucky. I'm grateful to wake up every day with you by my side and I tell you every night that my most favorite thing in the whole world is crawling into bed with you at night. I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend and that it included all your favorite things & people. You deserve it. :)

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