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We survived!

Sean traveled to California last week. My aunt has been staying with us and helped me and Javi during Sean's absence. On the way to the airport to drop off Sean, my dad called me to tell me that he couldn't bring Javi to school because when Javi woke up, he had conjunctivitis! So, it was a busy Tuesday with not being able to go to work, and bringing him to the doctor and resting up and lysol-ing EVERYTHING, repeatedly. Wednesday, Javi stayed home from school with Barb because I was feeling bad sending him (what with the conjunctivitis and all). On Thursday I successfully got Javi off to school and myself to work and was just 40 minutes late (ha!) -- traffic was terrible! I worked Friday and Saturday too and Saturday afternoon Javi and I went to the playground and out to dinner with Sean's brother for his birthday! Sunday I woke up early to pick up Sean from the airport -- and woke up with conjunctivitis so -- full circle! All in all, it was a busy, fun, germy and stressful week! But we're sure glad to have Sean home!

I'm also obsessed with Insta-stories and have been uploading videos each day (at least trying to). I've been trying to stay away from the news (and failing miserably at that). And we watched the Pats win the AFC championship last night. We're very excited about the Superbowl (and Mickey jammies)!

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