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A jewelry post...

Well, you see, I have something to share. But since this website apparently won't upload photos at this time -- I guess I can't complete the true purpose of this post; which was to show the necklace I'd like to wear with my dress. Is there some type of stigma about revealing jewelry like there is with revealing your dress? Maybe fate is stepping in by not allowing me to post a pic.

I seem to be busy lately. And even though, I've been sitting on the couch for the past 4 hours (in between doing laundry and cleaning, of course) I haven't had much time lately to update the blog. Not because I have nothing to say, because I do. And not because the website has been difficult, because it hasn't. But I swear, I'm busy!

Between work and work related activities and thanksgiving (after all I'm in charge of a pie here!) and holiday shopping and planning my cookie swap party and trying to move... getting out the save the dates was a major accomplishment! And I'm so sad I haven't even posted about that, yet!

I don't even think I've shown you my purchases! My perfect purchases!

Hopefully this long weekend will present many opportunities to post things. =)


  1. i feel the same way...i can't catch up on LIFE! can't wait to see all your purchases when you DO get a chance to blog!


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