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Life Lately.

Well, it's been a while since I've sat down just to write about life so I thought now is as good a time as any! Sean's back in Florida, spending time with his dad who is having some health issues. He left last Tuesday so Javi and I have spent a lot of time together and with my parents. I've tried to keep his schedule the same, as much as possible, though it's really sad to come home, put him to bed and then have nothing to do and no one to hang out with all evening! Let's just say I've been watching a lot of Friends (and staying away from Criminal Minds which I started to watch on night 1 and then I was like WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING?!).

Along with repeats of Friends and How I Met Your Mother (always my go-to's) I've been catching up on Baby Daddy, and The People vs. OJ Simpson. Javi accidentally purchased HBO (and Starz) through our Amazon firestick though I was a bit excited because I got to watch Big Little Lies which I loved! I'm in need of more shows to watch though -- I have a long week ahead of me and after he's in bed I don't have much to do. I've tried so many Netflix shows and can't find one that I can make it past episode 1. 
My summer job is going well. It's not necessarily what I imagined and is definitely a lot different than what I'm used to (philosophy-wise, daily schedule-wise, budget-wise) but at this point there are only 2 weeks left. Since Sean's left I've had to change my hours to make my already really short days -- even shorter. But I'm home most days by 12:20 and two days a week Javi is at his own daycare/summer camp so I get to come home, eat Dairy Queen and watch TV -- but mostly I just nap.

Speaking of naps, I'm really proud of myself for finally getting to a place where Javi naps -- in his crib! I feel like it's a major accomplishment. He doesn't always do it, but for the past week he has and it's amazing how refreshed I feel when he naps in his crib compared to when he naps in the car. Car naps mean I have to drive him around and then I become exhausted! So -- yay for crib naps!

I was a bit overwhelmed this week on Prime Day. There were so many things I wanted but ultimately picked out a scooter, a helmet and a wheelbarrow for Javi. He's gotten to ride his scooter (once) in the house and it was definitely clear I could have just gotten him the helmet because that was his favorite part. In fact, when I took it off he had a full meltdown screaming "mine!" and then tried to convince me he needed to wear it in the car. 
// star wars slippers // star wars pajamas (sold out, similar here)

Did you get any Prime Day purchases?! If so, what?

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