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A trip to Maine.

We got engaged at Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine and it's been a special place to us since. Sean's family has a house near there and we try to get away at least a few times a year. We haven't taken Javi there since he was just 3 weeks old (!) and we thought it would be such a fun family getaway... boy were we wrong! Javi was in a good mood on the way up (it's about a 4 hour drive) and he slept a good amount and entertained himself with snacks and netflix the rest of the way -- and was even amazing during dinner the first night! Even other diners were like "wow! how old is he??" and "he's spectacular" and "he's just so happy!" but then clearly all those compliments went to his head (or mine?!) and Saturday and Sunday he was in the worst mood! He discovered "no!" and "mine!" and just really threw us off our fun-family-getaway track. Sean's a lot better than me at just going with the flow and making the best of it but I (I guess like Javi, ha!) just can't do it. It's fair to say that we have to have a do-over because I came home from the vacation thinking "god, I need a vacation!" -- we did manage to get some good pictures though and in only a few can you tell how unhappy he truly was. 

Oh - he's still in the "no!" and "mine!" phase and if you have any tips -- send them my way. 

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