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Showing posts with label silly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silly. Show all posts


5 things for a successful weekend.

1. a trip into Boston
2. eating at UBurger
3. fresh tulips
4. seeing the set-up of the Boston Marathon (which obviously means spring is here)
5. spending time at the animal shelter nearby and adopting a new kitten

See? Successful.

Also check out our new tabs (top of the page).
I decided to do some re-vamping.
Here's the new link for "best of" posts.
And for the link to "contact & advertise".



My iPhone memory is packed with videos of my cat.

It's been one of those days.
Wednesdays seem to do that to me.
Since I have nothing witty for you today,
not that I do on the regular,
I bring to you, a video, of my favorite four-legged friend.

We're thinking of getting her a baby sister. 
Of the feline kind. 

Don't think this is some weird announcement.
She just seems like she may need someone else to play with.


Rompers from my husband's perspective.

I'm browsing clothing sites like Simply Audrey, Bloom, and -- of course, Anthropologie.
I'm not purchasing, just imagining.

This is a conversation that just happened:
Me: "do you know what a romper is?"
Sean: "no."
Me: "well, if I show you something will you tell me if it's ugly but could possibly be cute on me?"
Sean: "is it something Kim Kardashian would wear?"
Me: "yes."
Sean: "then, nope."

When I showed him, his face looked like the photo above.
Which was taken 4 weeks ago when I was waving my scarf in his face,
while doing an interpretive dance.

Apparently, my dancing skills and the idea of Kim Kardashian cause the same facial expression.
Maybe, it just means I force him to watch E! too often when her shows are on.
Speaking of... I have 2 episodes of Kourtney & Kim.
What a Friday night!


Facts about me.

I thought I'd share some tidbits today.
Everyone's doing it, so why not?

First things first: you could obviously read my about me.
Don't want to click anything?
Totally understandable.
If you're new in these parts of blogland,
here's what you should know.

1. One time I met Oprah... at the wax museum. 
But we shared a moment. I swear.

2. I make this face when I'm confused.
Or when I'm angry that the Dublin zoo took my admission ticket...
which means I can't keep it to scrapbook.

3. My worst fear is drowning. 
I can't be in the water without some type of flotation device. 
Even though I look calm in this picture... there were probably tears at some point.

4. I don't drink alcohol. 
I make this face when I do. 

5. I force animals to be close to me. 
I can't help it. 
I just love them.

6. I love spending time with my husband. He's the best and we have so much fun together.

That's all for today.
I guess I'm just an Oprah loving, slightly confused, aqua-phobic, non-alcohol drinking, animal obsessed... 
wife, in love with her husband.


It's snowing.

Tonight we spent time at Sean's grandmother's house with family. Almost an extended Christmas celebration if you will. His brother Joe  and his wife Kim are visiting from Seattle so we all got together to exchange gifts and eat lots of food. What's better than that?

It started snowing while we were there. I don't like the snow. As we were driving home the roads looked like this:

Once home (very scary ride, let me tell you), we had to move cars. Our building has some crazy rules about parking when it snows and even though they're not holding up their end of the bargain and our lot looks like this (36 hours after the first snow stopped):

no salt, no sand, no snow plow in sight.
They've threatened to tow our cars if they're parked there between 7AM-9AM. Which means I would have to wake up tomorrow, probably at 6:30AM, to clean off my car and move it for the non-existent snow plows. No thanks.

So we moved them tonight thus avoiding the 6:30AM wake up call.

Here's a picture of our courtyard that is supposed to be shoveled and sanded for emergency purposes:

Looks great, huh?

You don't want to visit us. 
You'll probably fall.

Don't forget to find us on facebook.


5 apps I love.

I didn't upgrade to the iPhone 5 quite yet since my 4s is doing just fine other than a little bump on its' corner from the 2 week stint we had together in which I thought I was careful enough to not keep a case on it. Yep. So sad.

Anyway, we're doing okay without the upgrade and to make up for it I've invested some time into great apps. Here are the ones I'm loving.

1. InstaCC


This is a pretty interesting app. You link it to your instagram account and it finds all your pictures, puts them into a calendar and creates a different type of digital scrapbook for you. It's also fun because it offers you the chance to participate into photo challenges (against yourself if you want) and gives you ideas of what to take pictures of. Not only that, but if you're like me and forget to take pictures (I know, horrible blogger award) you can set a timer that will go off each day at a time of your choosing and it'll remind you to snap away. Pretty neat.

2. Regal Theater


If you see your movies in these theaters, this app is sweet. We use it weekly since that's how often we find ourselves at the movies. This app, coupled with the Regal Crown rewards card is amazing because you get coupons constantly that are sent to the app and the people at Regal just scan your phone. It's been months since we've paid full price at the concession stand and sometimes we even get free movie tickets (in fairness that's more from the rewards card... although the app allows you to easily see how many points you've accumulated and let's you see what coupons you have).

3. Pinterest

This is the app that I scroll through in those awkward situations when everyone else is looking at their phone so I do too? I also look through it when I first wake up in the morning, before I go to sleep and typically when I'm bored any time throughout the day. I have the same obsession with the app as I do with the site on the computer although I like it better because there's not so many images all at once since the screen is that much smaller. It makes looking at the screen much more bearable.

4. Trulia


Since we don't own a home, I love scanning through this app and thinking about what will be... one day. For instance, if you're driving (well, if you're a passenger in a car since it wouldn't really be safe to do while driving..) and you see a house for sale and you think to yourself "hmm, I wonder how much that house is on the market for?"... well, you can just open this app, locate yourself on the map and immediately find the cost of the house AND pictures of the inside. Yeah, it's a little creepy but instant. 

5. The Christmas List 


In the spirit of the holidays, I've recently invested my time into this app that allows you to organize your shopping, set budgets, keep track of purchased gifts, wrapped gifts, shipped gifts... just anything involving gifts. It's very useful if you prefer to be organized on your iPhone rather than inside a notebook.

What are your favorite apps?


The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, part 2.

Last night, I dragged Sean to see this:

He wasn't thrilled about the movie, add in the fact that I made him go to the theater an hour and a half early "to get seats together" and then realized that was completely unnecessary when we saw that NO ONE was even there... made for a very uncomfortable husband. Plus! Our Fandango tickets said 9:20 and when the tickets printed at the theater they said 9:40? What? SO that added 20 extra minutes to the already 90 minutes we were waiting. aha! 

Good thing the movie was so fantastic! It made up for the wait (plus I set him up with popcorn and nachos). I loved every minute of it. Except for maybe the super long opening credits and the strange fake baby that was Renesmee. The twist we keep hearing about? Amazing. Even Sean thought so.

I'll go see it again. Most definitely.


Kids say the funniest things.

I spend most of my days with people who are half my size and a good many years younger than me. It's very enjoyable. Especially when conversations like this... happen:

4 year old girl: my daddy's the silliest guy in the whole world. but my mom... (big sigh) she's always so STONED.
me: she's what?
4 year old girl: she's always (big sigh) so stoned (carries out the O for emphasis).
me: hmm, i'm not sure what that means. 
4 year old girl: you know, like always so serious and always telling me what to do.
me: oh, you mean STERN?
4 year old girl: oh yah, that's it.

:) Happy Tuesday!


Apollo and Halloween.

I put Apollo's t-shirt on her on Halloween night. And posed her with our Halloween candy that we didn't need to buy since we didn't get any trick-or-treaters. Once she slithered her way out of the cutest little outfit ever... she got up there....

And didn't come down til bedtime.

Just wait until I break out the Santa hats. She has no idea what a lifetime of excitement she has ahead of her.


Instagram canvas.

Check out our new "about us" page.

It's tabbed up at the top, do you see it? Between our "daily adventures" and "our wedding"?

SO, I did a DIY project that I saw on this blog.

Necessary materials:
9, 4x4 instagram pics
12x12 canvas
matte mod podge
15 minutes of your time
preferably a space without pet access (you'll see why...)

The steps:
I got instagram photos printed. I got my pics printed from postalpix.
Mathematically, they were supposed to fit "perfectly" on that 12x12 canvas. They didn't.
You have to force them to fit. No big deal.

Arrange the photos how you'd like them.
Definitely cover up your table so mod podge doesn't get all over the place.
Start gluing.
To my surprise you really can't use too much (for real).

Make sure the lines are straight, horizontally & vertically.
Try not to let your pet touch the mod podge.
(she's not supposed to be on the table, but legit, she has a mind of her own)

Admire all your photos.

Slather it with mod podge.
I'd recommend NOT making vertical strokes, by the way.
My hand got carried away.

Put it somewhere SAFE to dry.
Mine is on top of the fridge.

I'll let you know where we decide to display it.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Wicked Sweet.

This month Sean and I saw Ted. 
(Well, I saw Magic Mike on my own time while in CA...)

Maybe, I thought it was so funny because it's set in an area I'm really familiar with. So all the "Boston", "Massachusetts" and "New England" jokes... I understood. Who doesn't like to laugh at themselves?

At the same time, I will say I don't live IN Boston. I never have and most likely never will. But that doesn't stop me from LOVING movies set around here: Good Will Hunting, anyone??

If you search online, you can easily find those "you know you're from Boston when" forums. Most things are true. I know what a regular coffee is, I probably tail-gate awfully too close to the person in front of me, I order jimmies with my ice cream, I didn't go to school when the Pats won the Superbowl, and I go down the Cape, often. Oh, and there's that word I say. A lot. Do you know it?


Oh yes, wicked. It's a part of my daily speech.
In case you don't know how it's used: "that's wicked cool", "I was wicked upset", "she's wicked smart smaht". I guess it's a synonym for "really" or some other word that just magnifies whatever follows.

Last weekend, Sean and his bandmates in Widow Sunday had a yard sale.

It wasn't your typical yard sale. Intrigued? They sold lots of musical things that I have no idea about it.
There was a bunny costume, discussion about partnering up with children selling lemonade across the street in hopes to "bring in more business", multiple attempts at a Pogo stick and a unicycle, and lots of traffic slowing down because of the signs:

translation: "wicked sweet yard sale, kid..."

Lots of people stopped to look.
Lots of people stopped to buy. 
Lots of people stopped... just to take a picture of the sign.

People thought it was clever, unique, and hysterical.
There's definitely something to be said for laughing at yourself.